Landmark Localization
A deformable object is commonly represented with a set of landmarks points which correspond to semantically meaningful parts. Landmark Localization is the problem of localizing these landmark points that correspond to a deformable object in an input image. This problem is commonly faced by training a deformable model of the object and try to fit it to the test image.
The methods that are currently implemented in menpofit
- Active Appearance Model (AAM)
- Model Variants: Holistic, Patch-based, Masked, Linear, Linear Masked
- Optimization Algorithms: Lucas-Kanade, Cascaded-Regression
- Active Pictorial Structures (APS)
- Model Variant: Generative
- Optimization Algorithm: Weighted Gauss-Newton Optimisation with fixed Jacobian and Hessian
- Constrained Local Model (CLM)
- Active Shape Model
- Regularised Landmark Mean Shift
- Ensemble of Regression Trees (ERT)
- [provided by DLib]
- Supervised Descent Method (SDM)
- Model Variants: Non Parametric, Parametric Shape, Parametric Appearance, Fully Parametric